Pomeranian breed Information
Pomeranian Dog Breeds | Ultimate Guide 2020

Are you looking for a detailed guide about Pomeranians before you could bring one at home? Or maybe you already own one? This is an ultimate guide about the Pomeranian dog breed that’ll teach you everything regarding parenting Pomeranians without any complications.
What Are The Characteristics Of Pomeranian?
Pomeranians are intelligent, playful and actively friendly dogs. They make great alarm dogs that will alert you of any strange movement in your compound.
Whether you want it to keep your kid busy or want it to keep you company as you take on your daily chores in your house, it is the right dog for you.
Let’s take a look at the characteristics it possesses and how they’re rated in each.
1. Adaptability

When it comes to adapting to certain environments, Pomeranian dogs have an overall rating of 3 stars out of 5. They might not be the best at some characters but they’re a joy to have them as an additional pet.
Here is breakdown of how they’re rated at other attributes:
- Adapts well to apartment living: These dogs have an overall score of 4 stars out of 5 when it comes to their adaptability to apartment living. Often, small bodied dogs don’t make great apartment dogs but that’s not the case with Pmeranians. They might be yappy and stubborn but through training, there is nothing to be scared of. Due to their small size, they don’t need much space.
- Good for novice owners: Are you new to dog parenting? Do you feel like it can be a tedious work to raise a Pomeranian? Well, Pomeranian dogs are easier to train and easygoing. In case of inconsistencies, they’re resilient enough to cope up with the situation and that’s why they’ve been rated 4 stars out 5 for being good for first time dog parents.
- Sensitivity level: These little dogs are more sensitive than other dog breeds and any chaotic environment could affect them emotionally. They have a high sensitivity level of 4 stars out 5.
- Tolerates being left alone: Pomeranians have an outgoing, friendly and playful personality but don’t like being left alone. They hold 1 star out 5 meaning that leaving them alone for long will make them anxious and destructive. They have a deep loud bark which you don't wanna hear since it can be hard to calm down an annoyed Pomeranian puppy.
- Tolerates cold weather: They have an overcoat that’s straight, shiny, and coarse which protects them from cold climates. They have an average tolerance of 4 stars out of 5 when it comes to cold weather.
- Tolerates hot weather: These dog breeds are vulnerable to overheating and hold only 2 stars out of 5 in regard to their tolerance to hot weather. They have short noses and a thick coat that makes them sweat excessively in hot climatic conditions.
2. All-Around Friendliness

With an overall 3 stars out of 5 all-round friendliness, Pomeranians are somewhat friendly to people around them. One downfall about their affection is that they’re not very friendly with children and other pets. Shaping them to be loving dogs will take you time but when you get it right, you’ll always want to see them around children.
Here’s a detailed overview of why they’ve been given 3 stars for this attribute:
- Affectionate with family: Want a family loving dog? Pomeranians should be your choice. These dogs value each and every person who takes part in raising them and hold 5 stars out of 5 for being family amiable dogs.
- Kid friendly: They are not kid friendly dogs because they are small and fragile -kids could injure them when playing. However, their attitude towards kids is not hostile as long as they’re introduced to them in a friendly manner. Again, kids need to understand how fragile they are so that they don’t engage in dangerou activities. They have 2 stars out of 5 for this character.
- Dog friendly: Pomeranians are not sociable with other dogs as you would have thought and possess only 2 stars out 5. They can be defensive and dominant when around other dogs. When he feels uncomfortable, they might show some of the worst canine social traits.
- Friendly toward strangers: These Pomeranian dog breeds have moderate affection of 3 stars out 5 towards strangers. Sometimes they might greet visitors with jiggling tails and sometimes they’d become hostile and protective. Whichever the case, he should be on a leash when in public places because they tend to be suspicious around strangers.
3. Health And Grooming Needs

Pomeranians are generally sturdy, healthy dogs with moderate grooming needs. When their health and grooming needs are combined, they score an average of 3 stars out of 5.
Here are more attributes regarding their health and grooming needs:
- Amount of shedding: These are one of the hairiest breeds with a high shedding ability of 4 stars out of 5. They don’t need excessive grooming but grooming them twice or thrice a week will help keep their hair in shape.
- Drooling potential: Are you a neatnik? Pomeranian dogs are your perfect match because they’re low droolers with a drooling rating of 1 star out of 5. You don’t have to worry about getting white spots of slobber on your clothes.
- Easy to groom: They need grooming three times a week to keep their hair in good condition. They are easy to maintain hence the 3 stars out of 5 rating.
- General health: They’re average healthy dogs holding 3 stars out of 5. All dogs are prone to several genetic ailments and Pomeranian dog breeds are not left out.
- Potential for weight gain: Pomeranians have a hearty appetite and gain weight very easily. They’ve been rated at 4 stars out of five for this attribute. For that case, you need to control how much they eat and exercise them to maintain their mass.
- Size: They are among the smallest poochs with 1 star when it comes to their size. Size is a crucial factor when deciding whether a certain dog breed is fit to live in the space you have or not.
4. Trainability

These dogs tend to be moderately easy to train. They have been rated at 3 stars out of 5 for their compliance to commands.
A dog who is less receptive to commands can be difficult to raise since it will be operating under its own terms. Of course you don’t want that.
Take a look at the following characteristics and see what areas you should major your training:
- Easy to train: With a rating of 4 stars out of 5, Pomeranian puppies are generally easy to train.
- Intelligence: These dogs are very intelligent with a rating of 4 stars out of 5. They love learning new tricks and making decisions on their own.
- Potential for mouthiness: They have a low potential to mouthiness of 2 stars out of 5 however, training should be done early for them to differentiate between a soft nip and a painful one.
- Tendency to bark or howl: Since these dogs are very suspicious around strangers and other pets, they bark a lot and hold 5 stars out of 5 for this character.
- Prey drive: They have a low impulse to chase and catch prey and have a 2 star rating with regard to prey drive. It is crucial too that you be extra careful when you’re out for walks with him because it can still pursue small animals and cats.
- Wanderlust potential: They love being around owners and so they have a minimum wanderlust potential of 1 star out of 5.
5. Physical Needs

These are energetic and active dog breeds who require regular exercise but not too much of it.
They stand at 3 stars out of 5 for their physical needs.
Here are more attributes that sum up to this 3-star rating:
- Energy level: They have a moderate energy level of 3 stars out of 5. They need to be actively involved in activities in order to utilize their energy else they'll use it to do annoying activities like digging or chewing.
- Intensity: They are less aggressive compared to other dog breeds like Dachshunds. For that case, they hold 2 stars out 5for being less vigorous dog breeds.
- Exercise needs: They require little exercises to keep them fit and healthy. Holding only 2 stars out 5 for their exercise needs, they should not be subjected to physically demanding jobs like hunting.
- Potential for playfulness: Most dogs, even in their adult stages act like perpetual puppies -always asking for a game. Pomeranian dogs are in that category with 3 stars out of 5.
Important Stats You Should Know About Pomeranian Dogs
Dog Breed Group/Purpose
Companion Dogs
Intelligent, Socable, Active, Playful, Friendly and Extroverted
Coat Length
Long, Double Coat
Average Height
18 Centimeters to 30.5 Centimeters
Weight Range
1.4 Kg to 3.2 Kg
Life Expectancy
12-16 Years
Exercise Requirements
30 to 40 Minutes
Social/Attention Needs
Overall Grooming Needs
Moderately High
More Fun Facts About Pomeranian Breeds

- They are sometimes called Zwergspitz, Dwarf Spitz, Pom or Loulou.
- They’re small in size weighing to a maximum of 3.2Kg but have the personality of Texas and Great Danes.
- Among the Spitz family (Samoyed, Norwegian Elkhound, Alaskan Malamute), Poms are the smallest.
- They’re intelligent and loyal to the owners.
- They tend to be curious about strangers and could attack even larger dogs.
- Poms don’t relate very well with other dogs but when early socialization is done, they get along quite well.
- They come in a variety of colors starting from white, brown, cream, blue, or black.
- They have a loud and deep bark making them great watchdogs. Training is needed to teach them when to stop barking.
- If you don’t have a backyard, worry no more. They’re excellent apartment dogs.
- These dogs can take over the home if you don’t let them understand that you’re at the top of the chain of command.
- They can be difficult to housetrain and so crate training will be necessary.
- They’re not good for young children so you’ll need to supervise any interactions.
- Never leave them outside by themselves if there’re predatory birds and animals in your area. They can be perceived as prey by hawks, coyotes and other wild animals because they’re pretty small.
What Is The Origin Of Pomeranian Dog Breeds?

Pomeranian Dog Breeds were first mentioned in Australia in 1875 after The Western Australian Times published an article about them.
Later on, in 1879, an advertisement was seen in the Melbourne Argus. The advert was about rewarding a white Pomeranian dog that was in Toorak, Melbourne.
Some of the early breeders in Victoria, Australia during this time were Mountroyal (Mrs Montcrieff, Maybole (Mrs Leveridge), Oakland (Mrs Esler), and many more.
They were shown to the public (in Victoria) in 1883 during the Victorian Poultry and Dog Society Intercolonial Show. M Mullaly, Richmond’s Pom won the competition but the title was later won by Mr P Menny with his Pomeranian during the 1884 National Agricultural Society’s Show.
Poms emerged in a place called Pomerania. They were bred from ancient Spitz dog breeds. Among their family are Norwegian Elkhound, American Eskimo Dog, Samoyed, Alaskan Malamutes among other Northern group dogs.
Before the current small sized Poms were developed, Pomerians were once large breeds of the Spitz type. They have been seen on several artifacts which date back in 400 BC.
Initially, they were powerful and strong working dogs of the Arctic who used to pull sledges and herd livestock. Since they were bred, people use them for guarding homes and are frequently cared for as pets and companions.
Pomeranian Appearance
There is not a simple answer to how Poms look because they have different looks and appearance. Depending on their breeding, these sweet dogs differ in size, face type, weight, and color.
Coat Color For Pomeranian

Poms come in in different sheer number of colors as follows:
- White
- Black
- Grey-Shades
- Tan
- Orange
- Brown
- Exotic Hue (Diluted Blue) -very rare
- Cream
- Red
Pomeranian Dogs Eye Color
Are you wondering what color Pomeranians' eyes can be?
Often, you’ll find most Kennel Registers listing the Pomeranian's eyes to be dark but there exist many Pomerians with lighter colored eyes.
These beautiful breeds exist with a variety of eye colors and below are the possible ones:
- Light Blue - as seen in Merles
- Medium Brown -Very common
- Hazel - they tend to have green/light green eyes but it is usually a mixture of green and brown colors.
- Dark Blue - mostly seen in newborns. When they reach 4-6 weeks, there eyes could change to brown
- Amber - there exists Poms with light brown or golden hue eyes.
- Dark Brown - very common eye color
- Odd Eyed - you can find a Pom with different eye colors i.e one light blue eye and another Hazel (Heterochromia).
What Is The Average Size Of Pomeranian Breeds

Pomeranian dogs are in the toy group and weigh between 1.4 Kg to 3.2 Kg. They can have a weight past that depending on the feeding behaviour provided that they don’t get overweight.
They have an average height of around 18 to 30.5 Centimeters however this does not represent the exact perfect height of this dog breed.
What Should Be The Ideal Pomeranian Lifespan
Poms could die from several health issues, heart failure being the most common problem among them. However, a well raised Pomeranian dog is supposed to live upto 12-16 years.
What Are The Different Types Of Pomeranian
There are three types of these lively, compassionate little dogs. If you’ve perused the internet for them, you might have come across names such as teacup, toy or miniature used in descriptions about Pomeranians.
The truth is, those are not official designations but there is one distinguishing feature within them - the face shape.
Briefly, here are the 3 types of Poms based on their face shape:
1. Teddy Bear Face: Poms in this face category look much more like an Ewok (teddy-bear-faced). They have eyes close to the less elongated snout and a rounder face. Generally, their face is kind of “pushed in” with little upturning of chin and nose.
2. Fox Face: According to the American Kennel Club standard for Pomeranians, the fox face type has an elongated snout resembling that of a fox. It has fat, fluffy cheeks, narrow chin and button nose.
3. Baby-Doll Face: It can be difficult to differentiate between the baby-doll-faced Pom and the teddy-bear face Pom as the two look pretty much similar. Baby Doll Face Poms have a shorter, rounded muzzle and baby-like traits. However, they have a flat snout which does not turn up. For that, their eyes are slightly higher and far apart.
What You Need to Know About PomeranianTemperament And Personality

Pomeranians are perky and friendly. They’re small in stature but have the courage to take on large dogs. They can engage in fight, chase or verbally (through barking) threaten them.
As for them, daily exercise is a must because they can put on weight. It does not have to be vigorous/tedious exercises, just a walk around the block will help.
Their intelligence cannot be described. They perform well in obedience competitions.
They possess a strong personality to take the alert or alarm dogs role because they’re prone to excessive barking. They’re alert and inquisitive hence make great watchdogs.
As much as they enjoy the company of children, their interactions must be supervised when the two are together. Kids should understand that Poms are small and are not sturdy as lager towering dogs.
Finally, Pons are curious and playful but this can be affected by hereditary, socialization and training factors.
What Health Problems Are Pomeranian Prone To?

Despite Pomeranians being generally healthy, they’re susceptible to several health problems and without wasting much time, let's get down to each.
- Allergies: Poms could suffer from food, detergents, and dog paste allergies. You’ll see them lick their paws and over-rubbing their faces and body on objects.
- Epilepsy: This disorder affects the central nervous system (neurological) making the brain activity abnormal. In severe cases, this problem can lead to seizures or unusual behavior. It can also result in loss of awareness making your Pomeranian dog a dummy.
- Eye Problems: Eye problems have become a huge challenge among Pomeranian dog breeds and one chronic among them is Cataracts. Some eye problems are inborn or hereditary while others can be caused by natural occurrences. When these eye ailments are left unattended, they can result in blindness. Watch out for any signs of readiness, excessive tearing, dry eyes, and scarring.
- Hip Dysplasia: This is a condition that affects Poms from a younger age. It comes along when the ball and socket joint of the hip does not form properly. Occasionally, genetics, environmental, diet and overexercising pups are the major causes to this problem.
- Legg-Perthes Disease: Legg-Calve-Perthes is a puppyhood disease that occurs when blood flow to the femoral head of the hip joint is interrupted. The bones usually begin to die and gradually weaken and break it apart.
- Patellar Luxation: This is an inbred condition that causes abnormality in bones joints of the hind leg. This problem can lead to the displacement of the patella. A pom with this issue will show some sort of intermittent hopping on the affected limb something that might need surgical correction.
- Dental Problems: Tooth and gum diseases are other issues that these small breeds have to battle. Their small mouth makes teeths overcrowded, making it possible for dental problems to arise. For that case, regular brushing with doggy toothpaste is required to remove food particles that get trapped between the teeths. If dental problems are not treated early, serious dental problems (e.g gingivitis, periodontitis, and tooth loss) will occur overtime.
- Hypoglycemia: This is a state of low blood sugar level that could lead to the nervous system problems which could in turn result in seizures, permanent brain damage, and even coma. Visit this page to see how to prevent this aiment in dogs.
- Coat Loss: Coat loss occurs when the pituitary gland which secretes growth hormone does not produce enough growth hormone and the outcome is symmetrical hair loss.
- Tracheal Collapse: This health problem is majorly seen in older Pomeranians, and Toy Poodles. Since they have a great potential to gain weight, this happens to be the primary cause. It happens when the tracheal rings lose their normal rigidity. Watch out for goose-honk coughs,and harsh breathing. Bronchodilator drugs can be used to treat mild to moderate symptoms.
Signs And Symptoms To Look Out For
- Temperature: Periodically check your pup for signs of high or extremely reduced temperatures. A rise in body temperature is the number one symptom for a sick Pomeranian.
- Eyes: At first, you should be aware of your pups eye colors. Eyes with any sort of discharge, clouding or blood spots are signs that you should visit a vet.
- Nose: Watchout for abnormal/excessive discharges from your dog’s nose. Again, a dry nose is a sign of much serious health problems.
- Skin: Look out for any sign of peeling and cuts on your pups skin. Poms are prone to coat loss so if you see any abnormality in shedding, visit a vet immediately.
- Ears: Redness or irritation in ears are signs of infections. Thick wax and discharge too should make you worried about their health. Maybe it could be a looming allergy or another ailment.
- Breathing: Breathing difficulty is a real sign of illness. Poms do experience breathing difficulty when they are attacked with Tracheal Collapse. Also, obese dogs might experience this.
How Should You Take Care Pomeranian Dogs

Pomeranians are affectionate dogs who love to play and be around family members. They are fragile dogs who need much attention to keep them happy and healthy. Everything should be carefully done, starting from the feeding behaviour, grooming, all the way to training and exercises.
If taking care of these extroverted dog breeds seems difficult, let me walk you through every step.
Feeding Your Pomeranian Dog

Pomeranian dogs easily pack on weight and have a killer appetite. You should be in control of how much food they take and also avoid feeding them anytime you feel that they should eat.
These small but intelligent breeds tend to forget that you should be in charge and assume huge roles. Don’t fall for them even when they seem to be hungry. Stick to the feeding plan illustrated in this section.
With that in mind, let me take you through some of the best Pomeranian dog food.
Grooming Your Pomeranian Dog

You’ve got a Pomeranian but the big question is, how do you groom it?
Here are some tricks:
- Brush and comb your Pom's coat frequently: Pom’s double coat requires regular and frequent brushing and combing. For you to control mattes or tangles, daily brushing and combing is needed since their undercoat is soft and dense. The outer coat is long and coarse to the touch.
- Bathe your Pom: Pomeranian dogs don’t need regular bathing but a bath once a month is sufficient. Use a dog-specific shampoo such as oatmeal shampoo because Poms have a very sensitive skin. Again, they’re allergic to some detergents so the shampoo should be artificial fragrances or colors free. Human shampoo is prohibited because it's acidic and can cause irritation to the skin.
- Perform other grooming activities: Apart from bathing, brushing, and combing, trimming your Pom’s nails, cleaning his eyes and ears are other grooming activities you should do. They need regular teeth brushing to prevent tartar buildup on their mouth packed teeth.
Essential Grooming Tools For Pomeranian

Grooming tools are vital when it comes to maintaining the health of your pup. Anything used to make him clean and tidy, including detergent and toothpaste is a grooming tool.
Take a look at the essential tools you should use on your Pomeranian dog breed:
- A grooming table where you’ll have your Pom stand will be required.
- A bristle brush (with curved bristles) and a metal comb are recommended during brushing and combing.
- A slicker brush will come in handy after bathing and drying your dog if you want to keep his coat sheen and shiny. Make sure that you have a drying towel or a hair dryer.
- You’ll need guillotine nail clippers to trim his nails. These are easier to use compared to scissor-type clippers.
- Ask your vet to suggest a specific cleaning solution for cleaning the Pom’s eyes and ears..
- Use a dog-specific toothbrush and toothpaste. Make brushing a habit right from puppyhood.
Exercising Your Pomeranian

Many times we tend to confuse exercise with training. Even though your pup can do some exercise like running and jumping during training, the two are two distinct things.
Here is how you should exercise Pomeranian dog breeds:
- Go with your Pom on long walks each day: Pomeranians have a lot of energy and so long walks on a daily basis will help him expend that energy. They’re playful but playtime is not a substitute for exercises. It has happened that behavioral problems could develop if dogs are not taken for walks (walks should not be done on hot days).
- Have a playtime schedule for your Pom: Being playful dogs, engaging them in multiple, short play times daily will keep them happy and motivated. This can be done in your backyard but they’ll still enjoy doing it indoors (don’t push them to run or play when they’re tired/sick).
- Provide your Pom with a variety of toys: Pomeranians tend to get bored easily and toys can give them a mental challenge and bring them back to normalcy. When choosing toys, mix the colors and textures to lure them to play with them.
Training Your Pomeranian

It takes patience and persistence to shape a Pom into a dream dog you’ve wanted to have. Most dog parents fail at this and endup raising stubborn, non-receptive Pomeranians.
A well trained dog is one which responds to commands and instructions and one who understands that he is not the king or queen of the house.
Being firm and consistent in training is the rule of thumb to mentoring a well behaved Pom. A small dog syndrome (a dog who thinks that he is in control) is the outcome of a poorly-trained Pom.
Here are the things you should do once you get home with your Pup for the first time:
- Enroll your puppy Pom in a puppy kindergarten class: Train your pup as soon as you can by enrolling him in a puppy kindergarten. Here, he will learn some basic socialization skills that’ll make him a well-rounded dog. He will also get to socialize with different people, sights, dogs and sounds. Monitor his progress and then enroll him in an obedience training class. This is where he’ll learn to follow basic commands.
- Potty train your pom: Housetrain your puppy is critical and potty training is one of the sessions you should expose your Pom to. You’ll need to be patient before he gets to know the proper place to shit. You can start by taking him outside to relieve himself 15-20 minutes after eating and before bedtime. You must be consistent with this.
- Crate train your Pom: For stubborn Poms, crate training can be the best option to shape their behaviour. However, this should not be some sort of punishment but it should be as a place of safety and behavioural training.
- Train your Pom to sleep at night: Your Pom’s sleep schedule may not align with yours and so you’ll need to make him adjust to your sleep pattern. If you want him for a watchdog during the night, let him have more sleep time during the day. Puppies should have an 18 to 20 hours sleep time a day while adults should sleep for at least 12 to 14 hours a day.
- Control your Pom's barking: These dogs bark a lot. Their loud bark makes them great watchdogs. The problem with them is that they don’t know when to stop barking which can be a nuisance sometimes. Teach him how to bark on command and stop barking on command.
- Leash train your Pom: Poms have a lot of energy and need enough exercise to maintain their weight and keep them happy. Taking them out for walks can be fun but to make the walking experience more enjoyable for you and him, leash training is important. Let him get used to the leash and don’t let him pull or drag you.
Are Pomeranian Good With Children And Other Pets

Pomeranian dog breeds are generally gentle with kids as long as they’re in the owners family. The fact that they have only 2 stars rating for their level of friendliness with children and other pets does not mean that they’re forever hostile.
Training them to be good social dogs should be your main concern. The above training tips should keep you going in nurturing a Pom who is concerned about other dogs and children.
Their safety is another concern. They’re fragile and kids should not sit or lean on their backs. When they’re young, don’t allow them to chase after kids and cats because this could affect how their muscles form.
If you don’t have pets in your home, take them for socialization classes so that they learn how to live a happy life with other animals. Protect them from bigger dogs and animals because they are courageous enough to challenge them for combat, forgetting that they’re small in size.
Australian Based Breed Organizations For Pomeranian Dogs

Pomeranian parenting is not an easy task as you’ve seen in this article. You need to be sure of their needs before you take him home.
Again, getting a Pom from a breeder is just another challenging part that you need to get it right. You don’t just walk to any breeder and grab a Pom.
You should evaluate the following before you make your decision:
- Social Attributes: Pick a puppy who is social with other dogs and humans around it. You can have a breeder place him in a group of other dogs for you to know if he is worth taking home with you.
- Behaviour: Pomeranian dogs tend to be dominant. However, the breeder should have worked on this behaviour before making him available for parents. Choose a well mannered pom.
- Welfare: Evaluate the hygienic conditions that the dogs are kept. If the overall cleanliness is wanting, find another breder.
- Health: Make sure that you’re provided with all health records from the vet regarding the Pomeranian puppy you want to go with.
If you’re certified about everything, take the puppy that has caught your eyes.
Here are some reputable Pomeranian dog breed organizations in Australia:
Rescue Groups For Pomeranian Breeds In Australia
Have come across any Pomeranian dog that needs rehoming? Or perhaps you want to rehome yours?
Whichever the case, for a successful rescue to be conducted, it should be because of any of the following reasons:
- Rehoming is for abandoned, lost and unclaimed dogs.
- Rescuing is done for a dog that's unwanted by the owner.
- Rescue can be done for Poms threatened to be killed or harmed (Ill-treated or neglected dogs).
- If you want to sell or gift the Pom to an undesirable parent or home.
- If a dog is reported to be suffering by an observer or another Pomeranian dog owner.
- If the owner has died leaving no instructions for his/her dogs.
- If you/the owner is not capable of caring for the dog.
Does the dog meet any of the above rehoming reasons? Contact the following rescue groups in Australia.
Best Dog Food For Pomeranian
There are plenty of dog foods that you can feed your Pom but not all have what it takes to raise a healthy, strong Pomeranian.
Your dogs need to be fed with nutritious meals that are easy to digest, no added flavours or decorative colors that could just harm them.
Please note that adult dogs should be fed twice a day while puppies should be fed three times a day.
Down to the list:

This is a 100% natural grain free Pomeranian food suitable for dogs. It is made with turkey, chicken, salmon oil and fruits and vegetables. These ingredients help keep you pups at optimal health.
It comes in small sizes to make it chewable and enjoyable by small breeds.
This meal is rich with antioxidants, probiotics, vitamins, minerals,and omega for healthy skin and coat.
For proper joint and bone health, this dog food is essential.

The Hill’s Science Dry Dog Food is the perfect food for Pomeranians between 1 -6 years.
This dog food contains a balanced amount of proteins and calcium which help in growth of strong bones and muscles in smaller Poms.
Wondering why you should give this meal to your dog? Here are the benefits:
- Contains antioxidants and Vitamin C and E to support the immune system
- Contains calcium and proteins which together help in development of bone and muscle strength.
- It has omega-6 fatty acids for a healthier skin and shiny coat.
- Made from natural ingredients.
- It has no artificial colors, flavors or preservatives.
Recommended Daily Feeding Amounts
Weight of Dog (Kg)
Daily Feeding (cups)

This is a nutritious food for small dogs like Poms aged 10-18 months with a weight of 3.6Kg. It contains 25 protein, 18% fat and 3.5% blended fiber.
This Wellness CORE food has a reduced amount of Kibble but the flavor, texture and odor is maintained.
Here are some of the benefits of this dog meal:
- It’s rich with EPA and DHA which helps in growth of healthy skin and a shiny coat.
- Made of extra small kibble which are perfect for miniature jaws. This helps to reduce tartar formation.
- It’s savory formula helps satisfy Pom's fussy appetites.
- Highly digestible proteins and various fiber sources.
Recommended Daily Feeding Amounts
Weight of Dog (Kg)
Low Activity Daily Feeding (cup)
Medium Activity Daily Feeding (cup)
High Activity Daily Feeding (cup)

This is an extraordinary quality and nutritious dog food with a great taste that Pomeranians love.
This delicious Pomeranian dog breed food is made with safe ingredients -making them the leader in organic pet food.
Here are some of the benefits it comes with:
- Organic free-range chicken, peas, and sweet potatoes are the #1 ingredient.
- It contains probiotics and prebiotic fiber which are key unhealthy digestion.
- It has organic flaxseed, blueberries and coconut oil which provide extra nutrition and health benefits.
- It is bite-sized hence suitable for smaller mouthed dogs like Pomeranians..
- It is made with 95% organic ingredients.
Recommended Daily Feeding Amounts
Weight of Dog (Kg)
Daily Feeding (cup)

This meal is specifically designed to provide the maximum nutrition. It is easy to digest hence meant for growing small and medium breed puppies.
Real chicken is the #1 ingredient and features smaller, bite-size shapes making it easy for small mouthed dogs to eat.
Check out its key benefits below:
- Contains high quality protein for proper development of muscles.
- It is nutritious enough to support muscular and skeletal growth.
- This meal is highly digestible

Chicken, Sweet Potato & Pumpkin are the main ingredients that your Pom needs to stay active and healthy.
From the ingredients, you can see that it's packed with high-quality proteins. Carbohydrates too help support easy digestion.
Here is how it can benefit you dog:
- Perfect for dietary needs of small breed dogs like Poms.
- Contains high-quality protein responsible for muscle development.
- Made with sweet potatoes and pumpkin -high sources of carbohydrates for sustainable energy.
- It is a great natural food - does not contain any corn, wheat or artificial colors and flavors.
- Provides for antioxidants to maintain a healthy and strong immune system.
Recommended Daily Feeding Amounts
Weight of Dog (Kg)
Daily Feeding (cups)
1 to 1.8
1/4 - 1/2
2.3 to 3.6
1/2 - 3/4
Concluding Lines On Pomeranian Dog Breeds
Pomeranian are sensitive dog breeds that need extra care and love. You should strive at making them feel safe and discourage any instincts to challenge big animals that can harm them.
Being small dogs with a high level of mouthiness, you should always monitor any activities between them and children.
Now, do you feel like you’re in a position to raise a Pomeranian dog?
Take the challenge and see how they make great family dogs.